Fast Track City Netzwerk Berlin
Was ist das FTC-Netzwerk Berlin?
Here finden Sie das Leitbild des Fast-Track-City-Netzwerk Berlins
- HIV verhindern;
- Aids und Tuberkulose beenden;
- Hepatitis C eliminieren;
- Combating stigma and discrimination.
Die Organisation des Berliner FTC-Netzwerks
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User: FTC-NW
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Fast-Track-City Summit 2023
The Summit 2023 of the Berlin Fast Track Cities network aims primarily at connecting different stakeholders. In doing so, the exchange of information is to be promoted in order to enable joint cooperation and grant active participation in decision-making processes.
What is being done well in the city of Berlin with regard to the fight against HIV and HIV-related discrimination, and where is there still a lack of progress? What challenges do we face in including all people in the health care system? How can we work even better with policymakers and administrators to create a health system that is responsive to the needs of diverse communities? These are the questions that the Berlin Network of the Fast Track Cities Initiative (FTCI) Summit will address. With the participation of activists, experts and other relevant actors in the field of sexual health, the work of the Berlin FTC Network and the challenges it faces, but of course also its successes, will be presented. The network brings together medical, social and other scientific evidence with community voices to support the needs and rights of people affected by HIV, hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted infections.
The Summit of the Berlin Fast Track Cities Network offers a framework for the discussion of central issues in the field of structural prevention of HIV, AIDS, hepatitis and other predominantly sexually transmitted infections. Concrete approaches to solutions in the Berlin area are to be promoted through discussion with relevant political actors. The exchange with other German-speaking cities that have joined the FTCI (Bochum and Vienna) will also serve this purpose. In addition, the congress will address topics such as the expansion of HIV PrEP use (pre-exposure prophylaxis) for other user groups. Activism will also find its place on the program, with the active role and limitations of self-organization in eliminating HIV-related discrimination and stigma, as well as the challenges of prevention work, being discussed here. Other relevant topics in the program include testing services with experiences from incarceration, sex work, emergency medicine, and potential solutions to structural barriers to care for the uninsured. In addition, the medical block will present advances and challenges related to cures for long-covid, HIV and hepatitis C.
Fast-Track-City-Week 2022
Die Fast Track City Woche fand 2022 vom 28.09 bis zum 08.10.2022 statt.
The opening and closing sessions were recorded. Recordings of the stream are accessible via the Webpage of the Fast-Track-City Summit Berlin.